San Diego, California | Pre-Conferences: November 28 & 29 | Conference: November 29 — December 2, 2023


This year’s Summit has more than 200+ presenters, 100+ presentations, 10 plenary sessions and 9 unique pre-conference workshops catered for 5 Tracks. The Exhibit Hall has two full days of poster presentations, Breakfast with Champions roundtable discussions, demo-stage presentations and more! Browse the agenda by track, presentation type or by presenter, and take a moment to look over our exhibitors and sponsors highlighted at this year’s Summit.

To receive your Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit CE certificate, please complete a survey for each qualifying CE session in the CASSummit mobile app. Open the app and tap the CE Surveys, Conference Evaluation button on the home screen.

Once your submissions are complete, .PDF certificates will be emailed to you from

CE surveys will remain open in the CASSummit mobile app until Friday, Feb. 2, 2024. Questions? Please reach out to